MAG4Health develops a compact system to improve brain care

Quantum-based technology for non-invasive detection

of brain functional disorders

MAG4Health’s OPM-MEG device takes full advantage of room temperature quantum sensor technology used for Space applications to pave the way for a new era of MagnetoEncephaloGraphs (MEGs) for clinical applications on patients suffering from brain disorders.


MagnetoEncephaloGraphy (MEG)

Magnetoencephalography is a non-invasive medical test that detects, records and analyzes the magnetic fields produced by electrical currents in the brain.

Magnetoencephalograph is the sole device to provide a high spatial and temporal resolution; it enhances the precision of the localization of abnormal functional brain areas and tracks the dynamics of brain networks – functional brain mapping (FBM).

The conventional MEG system, MEG-SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices), however is bulky and costly due to the hash cryogenic temperatures operating requirements.

Optically Pumped Magnetometers - MEG system


Optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) are new alternatives to SQUIDs for measuring the brain’s magnetic fields thanks to atoms and light.

OPM-MEG systems have the potential to dramatically outperform the current state of the art

  • promising enhanced data quality (higher signal amplitude),
  • adaptability to any head size/shape (from babies to adults),
  • motion robustness (participants can move freely during scanning),
  • a less complex imaging platform (without cryogenics).

Representation issued from the NatMEG website.


Sensors based on a proprietary Quantum technology

Sensors properties are tightly bound to atomic behavior.

MAG4Health takes advantage of a helium optically-pumped magnetometer developed for Space applications (Swarm mission, >10years of continuous operation), its long lifespan and use at room temperature (no heating nor colling) paves the way for a democratization in Hospitals, Clinics and Universities for clinical and fundamental research.

Latest publications

Badier J-M. et al.

Helium Optically Pumped Magnetometers can detect Epileptic Abnormalities as well as SQUIDs as shown by Intracerebral Recordings, eNeuro 6 Nov. 2023, 10(12).

Gutteling et al.

A New Generation of OPM for High Dynamic and Large Bandwidth MEG: The 4He OPMs—First Applications in Healthy Volunteers, Sensors (Basel). 2023 Mar; 23(5): 2801.

Latest news

Aston University’s Institute of Health of Neurodevelopment (IHN) and Birmingham Children’s Hospital got a new, child-friendly magnetoencephalography (MEG) brain scanner.

A nine-strong clinical and research team led by Dr Caroline Witton, reader in psychology, was awarded an £800,000 grant from the Medical Research Council (MRC) Capital Funding for World Class Labs scheme. This has been supplemented by Aston University, giving a total budget of £2.5m to purchase the MEG scanner from French company MAG4Health and construct a new, magnetically shielded laboratory in the IHN building to house it.


MAG4Health will be attending MEG-UKI 2024 !

MEG-UKI where MAG4Health and its business partner Brainbox Ltd unveils our quantum-based technology for Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative disorders for Reasearch and Clinical use.
📅 Save the Date: MEG-UKI 2024, 28-31 October (


Being the unique brain scan with high spatial and temporal resolutions, MagnetoEncephaloGraphy (MEG) has numerous applications:

Epilepsy and brain mapping

Localization of epileptic discharges and presurgical functional brain mapping are the most common clinical application.

Neurological disorders

Probe the brain to better understand mental illness and advance treatments.

Cognitive Neuroscience

Invaluable tool to study the dynamics and connectivity of large-scale brain activity and their interactions with the body and the environment.


If you are interested in learning more about the future development of OPM-MEG system and, if would like to join us on this adventure let's start a conversation!